Dealing With a Cat Meowing Loudly: Tips and Tricks for a Peaceful Home

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Dealing With a Cat Meowing Loudly: Tips and Tricks for a Peaceful Home

Cats make wonderful companions and can provide years of joy as a household pet. However, like any animal, they have their quirks that can become frustrating at times. One thing that many cat owners struggle with is when their cat is meowing loudly as they are trying to rest or need some peace and quiet. 

There are different reasons cats meow and learning about those reasons can help you understand and support your cat better so that the meowing doesn’t reach an annoying level. Learning different tips and tricks can help stop your cat from waking up the neighbors with their roaring meows. 

Understanding the Different Types of Meows

Cats use meowing as their main form of communication. They can change the frequency and pitch of their meows to communicate their needs. Understanding the basics of what the different meows mean can help make your home more peaceful as you learn to communicate with your cat. 

If your cat is meowing short and quick meows, they are likely just wanting to say hello and are excited to see you. Give it a few minutes, and this meowing should stop. However, if the short meows turn into long meows, they are communicating that they need something, and typically that something is food. 

High-pitched meows usually mean a cat is in pain. This can be tricky as when they are in pain, cats typically want to be left alone. If the high-pitched meows seem urgent, it is important to have your cat seen by your veterinarian. 

What to Do When Your Cat is Meowing for Attention 

While cats meow for numerous different reasons, one of the main reasons for the incessant meowing is that they are looking for attention. Although you can’t give your cat attention all day every day, there are some behavioral tricks you can use to help them learn that they do not need to meow all day long simply to get some attention. 

If your cat is looking for attention when meowing, don’t give it to them right away. If you give them attention when they are always meowing, then they will associate that behavior to get more attention. Instead, wait until they are quiet and then reward them with extra petting and attention. 

Cats are known to meow at night, which can be frustrating when trying to get a good night’s sleep. If your cat is meowing more often at night, it may mean that they haven’t had all their needs met during the day. It may take some trial and error but feeding them more and providing them with more exercise during the day can help stop the overnight meow sessions. 

Boredom Can Cause Excessive Meowing

In addition to wanting more attention, cats also meow excessively when they are bored. Cats are extremely intelligent creatures and need different ways to stimulate their brains. One idea is to add a cat playhouse to your home. These playhouses are often designed with ways to keep your cat entertained and provide intellectual stimulation. 

Another idea to help with your cat’s boredom is to invest in a bird feeder. Cats obviously love hunting birds, but they also enjoy watching them. If your cat has a certain window perch in your home, find a tree they can see out the window and hang a bird feeder. This can provide hours of entertainment which will in turn help the meowing to stop. 

Cat owners have also suggested that sometimes bringing a new cat companion into the home can help with boredom. While this may work for some cats, keep in mind that many cats are territorial and you need to consider your cat’s personality before bringing a new cat into the home. While it may help with the meowing, it may also cause double the sound if the new cat and your current cat don’t get along. 

Cats Meow When They Are Hungry 

Another common reason for the loud meows coming from your cat may be that they are hungry. Cats typically have a set amount of food they need during the day, but as they age that amount may need to change. Keeping your cat on a feeding schedule can help train them to know that there are certain times of the day when they will receive food. 

Similar to the idea of not giving them attention when they are meowing, you do not want to feed your cat as soon as they start meowing. This trains them to think that when they meow they will receive food. Instead, help them learn their feeding times by keeping a consistent schedule for when they eat meals. Once you have a consistent schedule, make sure that you are feeding them food filled with large amounts of protein to help them feel full for longer periods of time. 

What to Do If Your Cat is Meowing from Stress

If your cat is meowing from being overly stressed, there are some things you can do to help them calm down. Cats tend to become more stressed out when there are changes in their environment. If you have recently had a baby or introduced a new pet, there is a good chance that your cat is acting out from the new stress. 

When a cat is meowing from stress, helping to distract them can stop the meowing. Investing in new toys that keep them entertained and engaged can help distract them from the stress and keep them calm and mellow. 

Make an Appointment with Your Veterinarian

If you have tried numerous different tips and tricks from adjusting feeding schedules and amounts to giving attention and more, then it may be time to see your veterinarian. Cats don’t meow just to meow, so there may be something more going on that your veterinarian can help with. Try and write down observations about how often and when the meowing is occurring so you can give the vet as much information as possible for them to make an assessment. 

If you are looking for a feline veterinarian to help with cat meowing near Tewksbury, MA, contact Shawsheen Animal Hospital. Call us today at (978) 851-5558, or Request an Appointment online.

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